Monday, February 2, 2015


   In conclusion, I would like to hope that things will get better across our country for our juveniles that are struggling to find themselves. I struggle on a daily basis to reach these troubled children and show them that there is a better way to go about life, to be a good person, and to do the right thing. I also understand that society does not make it easy for these youths in poverty to reach their dreams. Their struggle will forever be a tragedy in America, but we as a society can only hope that things will get better. As my career in the law enforcement evolves I will continue to provide my positive words of encouragement to the troubled youths involved in the wrong activities. This job at Reading High School, working at the ninth largest high school in the United States has truly opened my eyes in so many ways; I can only be thankful. Thankful that I have learned another perspective to the lives of others, especially our youth who is our future. These gangs will continue to live in our country, in our neighborhoods, and in our schools, but if we can reach our youths before the gangs can, a difference can be made and the adolescence, the goals, and the dreams of our youths can be saved.

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